Advertising Rates
Double page $660
Single page $385
Half page $176
Quarter page $60.50
All prices are inclusive of GST. All formats are full colour, except for quarter page, which is black and white only.
Advertising Specifications
Double page trim size 420 x 297 mm
type area 400 x 270 mm
bleed size 425 x 302 mm
Full page trim size 210 x 297 mm
type area 186 x 270 mm
bleed Size 216 x 303 mm
Half page horizontal type area 186 x 132 mm
horizontal bleed size 216 x 152 mm
vertical type area 90 x 270 mm
vertical bleed area 104 x 303 mm
Quarter page vertical type area 90 x 130 mm
vertical bleed area 186 x 62 mm
Print-ready PDFs should be exported in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) using the PDFx1a profile, or High Quality Print. The profiles can be found when exporting to PDF or when distilling a Postscript file using Acrobat Distiller. These profiles contain a series of well- defined subsets that protects the integrity of the fonts and colours contained therein.
Fonts will also be properly embedded into the file
All colour data must be greyscale, CMYK or named spot colours. The file cannot contain RGB, LAB data.
EPS files from Illustrator are acceptable with text saved to outlines/paths or supply all fonts and hi-resolution Photoshop files (300 dpi) usually saved in PSD or EPS formats.
While our designer will do everything they can to ensure that your advertising is processed as error free as possible, we cannot take responsibility for the colour reproduction of any PDFs containing RGB pictures and logos.
Important notes:
Ads should only ever be delivered to bleed or type size, never to trim. If you are using a background colour your advert should be created at bleed size.
Create your advert at a high resolution – 150 dpi or 300 dpi
Please do not send JPGs or TIFs.
If you have any questions, please contact John Mill at Advertising Sales.